Monday, March 21

Sowing Good Seeds

Oh, how I love Super Hunk...let me count the ways. He truly is the handiest man I know and can conquer any project with ease. I'm not sure how he does it but I constantly marvel at his mad skills (and his super hunky biceps).
Another thing I adore about him is he keeps things forever. I mean, FOR-EVER.
Tools remain in their original cases. Ladders, spotted with paint, still stand proudly. Paintbrushes are a reminder of the many houses he's purchased sad and sold happy. Things are impeccable because when you take pride in your possessions, they remain. In many cases, FOR-EVER!
His beloved wheelbarrow is a perfect example. A DECADE and countless tasks later, it finally caved under the weight of an everyday chore and reluctantly conceded.
With a significant crack in the bucket and little TLC, Old Faithful remains...slightly worse for wear, a bit fatigued, and doubling as a little boy's light load hauler. Life is good!
Knowing Dad's soft spot for his old pal, Little Man suggested we paint it to add a little cheer and here's the result. (He also insisted "Dad will love this!" He was right!)
Our upcoming summer trip inspired this beach scene. Can you see it? Channel your inner little person...or just squint.
How about now?
Enough said!

Little Man was extremely proud of the wheels, they rival Picasso.  

The first thing he said when I asked what we should paint was "a truck". Hand to the forehead moment. This was my attempt at bringing his request to life. Do you see it? Resume squinting.

This wheelbarrow has been guided by two very important guys in my life. One that makes my heart beat faster, makes my world significantly more beautiful, and makes me thankful to be chosen. The other makes birds chirp a little louder, flowers smell a little sweeter, and hugs last a little longer.

They are continually sowing good seeds in my life. 

Now we have a FOR-EVER colorful reminder. Its next chapter will be light duties and a bucket full of cars, balls and the occasional reluctant K-9.

So long...until we graffiti again!

Thursday, March 10

Ranch Kid Counting Printable

A is for Apple.

B is for Boat.

C is for Cat.

Since the beginning of time, this is how children have learned their ABC's.

Until now.

Until my son.

Children learn by doing, correct? Around our house,  A is for Auger, B is for Barn, C is for Cow, D is for Dirt, E is for Eating dirt, F is for Feedyard full of get my drift.

Then, we count...
(1) trailer, (2) trailers, (3) trailers, (4).

To make Little Man's learning a bit more relatable, I created these Counting Clip Cards.

A big "WOO HOO" from ranch kids everywhere!

Little Man was quiet for a solid forty-five minutes...a beautiful, wonderful, blissful forty-five minutes! Success!

I hope your squirt enjoys them as much. Stay tuned for the Agriculture ABC's flashcards.

For your free printable, click here. (Right click and select Print.)

Friday, March 4

Happy National Grammar Day, from me and my twitch!

Today is National Grammar Day and my insides are giddy. All over the planet, my fellow lovers of words are rejoicing...breaking it down with a little comma shuffle.

I feel as if the mother ship has arrived and she's carrying all of my people Where have you guys been?

Instead of making this a post about all things correct, I thought I'd share with you the inner spaces of my brain...the irony I find in the language I love...and the places it goes when I'm silently correcting your grammar.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I realize that I occasionally incorrectly use the ellipsis. I'm not perfect. There, I said it.

Are you sitting down?

Here goes.

- When people type "Your welcome", I envision a person handing a lost welcome sign to its recently located owner. Thank you for returning it.

- There's always "To funny" where I see a man, waving his fist in the air, declaring a journey to funny. Where is funny and how do I get there?

- Why does the word non-hyphenated have a hyphen?

- Every time someone uses an apostrophe to make something plural, I'm certain an angel loses its wings.

- When I see the word alot, I think about aporkchop.

- "Yes, I defiantly will." There's no need to be so aggressive, it was just a question.

- "Outrunning errands" does not mean you're out, making multiple stops. It means that your angry errands are chasing you and you're just barely getting away.

- "Be pacific." Seriously? I can't, it's an ocean.

- Lastly, my personal favorite...Superheroes do good, I'm doing well.

Do you see why I have a twitch? I can't turn it off. It's my mother's fault...HI, MOM! She and my English teachers have forever made me perpetually mortified when reading the internet.

Happy National Grammar Day!