Each week, they make an appearance with yummy recipes, creative crafts, and designing tips. Their presence here (and in my life) are a breath of fresh air.
Here's a few tidbits about our beloved S&S Guest Contributors.
A more genuine Texas girl, you'll never find. She's the truest of true...straight down to her shoes. They say you never get another chance to make a first impression, Jessica gets it right every time. We first met when Little Man was tee-niney and she hoisted him up (because he's never really been "tee-niney") on her pony for a photo op. We became friends many months later over the pages of North Texas Farm & Ranch Magazine (she's the Editor) and our mutual love for all things flour, sugar, and butter. We're also both West Texas A&M University Alum...Go, Buffs! She's delivered many Monster Cookies and baked breads to my door throughout our friendship. Needless to say, we'll keep her and that infectious smile...FOREVER!
I'm pleased to introduce you to our cookie girl...Baking Contributor, Jessica!
I'm pleased to introduce you to our dinner diva...Entrée Contributor, Lana!
This gorgeous gal and I met through our super hunky husbands. I'm not sure how they knew we'd be fast friends but they were right. Shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell them. She's the mother of three, which would make any of us wide-eyed and crazy...but not the ever graceful, Leigh. Always cool, composed, and calm. I often marvel at her patience and hope a little bit of it will rub off on me. I've, more than once, considered lifting her over my head to conduct an osmosis-like experiment. But I like her friendship so I refrain. Her house is as adorable as she is, a perfect illustration of her constant creativity.

I'm pleased to introduce you to our crafting queen...Delightful DIY Contributor, Leigh.

We call her "Fancy Nancy" for good reason. She can take any space, any furnishings and turn them into a masterpiece. Her mantra is "It's not what you have but how you carry it that matters". You don't have to spend a fortune to have a gorgeous space. She's educated, beautiful, successful, a super-duper-overachiever, and SHE'S MY MOM! I'm proud to have her as part of the S&S family, sharing all the nuggets of wisdom she's passed down to me over the years.
So pleased to introduce you to our designer extraordinaire...Interior Design Contributor, Fancy Nancy.
I hope this has helped put a face with a name....for you to feel more acquainted with these lovely ladies. I'm thankful they spend their valuable time each week making my little slice of life better. When I grow up, I want to be like them.
Until next time...
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