What would life be without social media? Face-to-face conversations, actual human contact, brushing your teeth and shedding your pajama pants. I can see why some opt to "log on" instead of "go out", I sure do love my pajama pants (much to Super Hunk's dismay)!
However, it's the world we live in...why not embrace it? I'm a hugger and my computer doesn't reciprocate!
I've learned to enjoy social media. It was a bit intimidating at first but if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Right?
The thing I find most fascinating is how they all serve the same purpose (connecting individuals) but in completely different ways.
The Saucepans & Superheroes Facebook community is a "good time having" bunch! I link all blog posts but I also share other recipes, links to creative sites, daily bits of encouragement. Other than the blog, it feels like the Saucepans & Superheroes home (a place to prop my feet up, by the fire, and chat with friends). I'm still a little uncomfortable with "Poke" but I'm sure it's harmless.

Then there's Twitter, which I'm considered a newbie...my 9 followers! I think it's safe to say "world domination" is not in my near future!
I have to admit, this might be my favorite social networking place. While Facebook gives you space to express paragraphs of rambling thoughts, Twitter gives you 140 characters. It forces you to be creative with your "tweets"..."I just fell down a flight of stairs with a guitar and accidentally wrote a One Direction song" (thank you, Will Ferrell). It's definitely the place for a good laugh (I'm still working on the correct usage of a hashtag but I will prevail)!
And Pinterest, you will always hold a special place in my heart! I know I speak for women everywhere when I say "Who was I before Pinterest? I know I've had a few original ideas in my lifetime...or did those come from Pinterest too?" Who knows. Either way, I pin things that will hopefully make your life easier, more fun, and oh so pretty!
To sum it up:
Facebook: "I like donuts. My Mom used to make donuts when I was a child...blah blah blah."
Twitter: I'm eating a donut! #yum
Pinterest: Here's the recipe for my donut, along with 40 other various kinds of donuts.
I know this hasn't been my most thought-provoking post but now you know what people mean when they say "I'm going to tweet your Facebook status"!
If you're on Twitter, you should become my 10th follower. If you're a Pinterest addict, check out my Profile. And if you're on Facebook, will you become a Saucepans & Superheroes Fan? I promise, it's worth your precious clicking time!
Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!
Here are my links:
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