Wednesday, February 26

Ode to the Kringle!

Ode to the Kringle, my new Favorite Thing!

(The Cherry Kringle, my first, my beloved!)

When a friend brings me food, it undoubtedly elevates them to "Super Friend" status! I suddenly adore that person a little bit more than the day before (my pants, on the other hand, hate them).

(It's like that little white box that screams "I'm full of donuts"! The moment I see one, there's a party in my head.  I need help...a pastry intervention!)

My Wisconsin friend, Sheila, loves me! I know this to be true because she gave me the gift of food (my pants hate her)! I have now experienced the divinity of a Danish Kringle and can die a happy girl (with angry pants)!

The O & H Danish Bakery in Racine, Wisconsin must be a magical place! I envision little pastry elves working tirelessly, through the night, to crank out the most delectable creations. There must be elves, no human could possibly make something so extraordinary!

Have I mentioned how much I love Danish Kringles?

I see a support group in my future (wearing bigger pants).

Here is a peek.....prepare yourself!

(Pecan......Honey, hush!)

(Cream Cheese, this is Sheila's favorite. I wholeheartedly trust her judgement! She is, after all, the Kringle Fairy!)

(Blueberry, I'm pretty sure Little Man would trade me in for one of these! In his world, the streets in heaven will be paved with blueberries!)

(Turtle,! Where are my yoga pants?)

Order one for you, one for a friend, two for you, one for a family member, three for you.....just order an even dozen...or two! They freeze well and will forever keep you at "Super Friend" status!

Please tell your pants, I'm sorry! 

PS. This will make my Christmas shopping so much easier this year! If you're on my list, act surprised!

(Photos from O & H Danish Bakery)

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