Saturday, February 15

To, two & too...why can't they see?

Okay, I admit it...I'm a bit of a grammar snob.  It's not my fault (classic dialogue of a guilty person), my Mom made me this way! She's always been an avid reader so proper grammar was important in our household (plus, my parents have five college degrees between the two of them so it was bound to happen).

I was raised in a household of spelling bees, vocabulary bowls and sentence structure quizzes. It sounds torturous, but it was just the opposite, I loved it! You see, my Mom saw my interest and nurtured all good parents should, right?

So again, it's not my fault (I'm seeking therapy)!

Unfortunately, for all my Facebook friends, they receive the brunt of it. In fact, my dear friend wrote a poem to illustrate just how much of a nuisance I am!  

With friends like these...  :-)

To, two & too...why can't they see?
(Written, with love, by Sheila Slattery)

I’m very happy with my life,
there are very few things that bring me strife.

Okay, there is just one thing that drives me insane,
continue reading and I shall explain.

I patrol Facebook posts, reading each one,
quietly smiling and biting my tongue.

Thoughts come to mind, how hard can it be?
To, too, two, there’s a difference, why can’t they see?

Should I point out the error and make the correction,
I don’t want to risk any friend rejection.

I just want to help, I don’t want to offend,
maybe it would be easier if I just clicked “unfriend”.

I’m constantly spotting the wrong punctuation,
would it be wrong if I issued a comma citation?

Grammar, punctuation, mechanics and more,
when properly executed, I just adore.

I must have said it a million times,
I must stop these grammar crimes.

I have to hold back, resist the urge to correct,
I just can’t help it, what do you expect?

My OCD world must remain at peace,
Please don’t make me call the grammar police.

I'll leave you with this final thought...

(Shirt from

Thank you for loving me, grammar twitches and all!

******************* UPDATE ********************

My above referenced mother, the Grammar Queen, just called to say how much she enjoyed this post. However, she was sorry to say it contained not one...but TWO...grammar errors! What!?!?!?!?!

See, I'm a product of my upbringing!

Such a great humility check for me today! I'm human...I'm flawed...I'm feeling faint, I need to sit down! :-)

How many of you noticed before I did? Come on, make me proud!


Thank you for your comments, I enjoy hearing from you!