Friday, February 14

For this child I prayed...

"For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him." ~1 Samuel 1:27~

Little man and I just returned from delivering his very first, handcrafted, Valentine's Day cards. 

I have to say, it was pretty exciting! The thrill of giving something away is a feeling I never want him to forget. The smiles, the hugs, bringing a little joy to a person's day.

Valentine's Day, it has somehow become all about flowers and chocolate...or the lack thereof. 

How did we get so far from thinking of others to focusing exclusively on ourselves? God's greatest commandments are for us to love Him and love others. 

I want this little boy to grow up seeing Valentine's Day as an opportunity to love all people, not just the people he's in love with. 

For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me what I've asked of him. May I always be a good steward!

Happy Valentine's Day, I hope it's been one filled with love!

(What is your favorite Valentine's Day blessing?)


Thank you for your comments, I enjoy hearing from you!