Friday, April 10

Totes Ma Goats Giveaway

Lana! I'll get your tote to you ASAP!
Congrats and thank you to all who participated. Stay tuned for more great Favorite Things GIVEAWAYS.
We had our first Diaper Dollars adventure last week. They took us all the way toooooo.....wait for it.....the ZOO! This was Little Man's first time and his reaction resembled my behavior in a shoe store..."Ohhhhhh, pretty...Ahhhh, look at that...over here, over there".

He found the "Honk" of the flamingo slightly amusing.

The giraffe inspired a "Whoa, Mama".

But the goats were the furry friends that captured his full attention.

A week later, he's still talking about them and they're the inspiration for today's GIVEAWAY!

You can fit EVERYTHING...possibly, even a this cutie.

Besides its carrying capacity, its charm is know you want to giggle!

To enter, simply comment with your answer to question below. "Do you remember your first trip to the zoo?"

The winner will be selected at random on Friday.

Totes ma goats, my friends!


  1. I went on an elemntary school trip.

  2. I remember my brother and I going as kids, I always wanted to see the monkeys.

  3. Pueblo Zoo- fed a giraffe a cracker and his black tongue grossed me out! 😝

  4. I remember, it was a family trip. I fell in love with the xoo. Brian love's the zoo as well. So much fun. Except for the penguin exhibit, it always smells horrible. Lol. But I love watching the waddle around.

  5. I love all the animals but it sometimes makes me sad to see them in cages.

  6. Me too but I hope they're living good lives.


Thank you for your comments, I enjoy hearing from you!