Friday, August 22

Mix-It-Up GIVEAWAY Winner!

**************** WINNER ****************
Please Email your complete info and mailing address to receive your goodies.

Thank you for participating, stay tuned for more Favorite Things giveaways.
My Mom is responsible for so many wonderful things in my life...including these oh-so-fabulous melamine mixing bowls.

From big to small, you can mix it all (see what I did there...look out, Dr. Seuss).

Today, because they're colorful, because color makes baking better, and because I love ya,  I'm giving away a set!

Happy dance...break it down, break it down!

Aren't they love-ly...aren't they won-der-ful (because I'm a firm believer that Stevie Wonder should be worked into every conversation)!  

Great for prepping or serving (or licking the bowl)..and they stack perfectly to maximize space. Trust me, they'll make your kitchen so cheery.

To enter, comment below with the your answer to the following question. "What color is your kitchen? Red? Yellow? Sparkle?"

Winner will be selected at random on Friday. Happy registering.


  1. Red and black but I've been wanting a change.

  2. Red, like wine!

  3. My kitchen is ALL ABOUT WINE! A far cry from the ducks I had back in the 80's!

  4. My kitchen is kind of salmony/mish-mash! : )

  5. White and gray, I use colored dishes for extra color.

  6. Very neutral, earthy tones with accent colors that I often change :)

  7. Red and mustard yellow


Thank you for your comments, I enjoy hearing from you!