Monday, June 30

The Glamorous Outdoors

For my family, summer means outdoor dining. Super Hunk fires up the grill and we invite all the flies in the neighborhood. With waving and flailing of arms, we sit back and soak up the sunshine.

With plenty of sunscreen and bug spray, of course.

It's lovely...

"Bistro dining" (as my bestie, Rekah, calls it) requires a whole different set of dishes and serving pieces. In fact, Melamine is the summer party hostess with the mostest! I love her durability...her flair...and her ability to remain timeless!

Here are a few of my favorite summer dining pieces (with links, in case you want one of your very own).

Starting with Little Man, of course.
Juice in the Box (shout out to our S&S friend, Chris, for sending these cuties over.)

These aren't necessarily outdoor specific but I LOVE THEM (I have a set of acrylic wine glasses for the patio, they're perfect for them)!
Wine Glass Shades

 Carrying your Grandmother's antique cake stand to the picnic table? Just the thought of it makes my palms sweat. Here's a less breakable option.
Bark Pedestal Cake Stand

The cutest cooler on the planet and it's extremely affordable. Red is a power color, in case you didn't know!
Retro Cooler

Because we all want to feel like a Moroccan Princess...
Jewel Tone Goblets

Finally, these are my absolute favorite. They make my salad so Happy, I hope they do the same for you!
Sassy Salad Servers

Let's make the outdoors a little more glamorous, one colorful dish at a time.


  1. Love the selections, they are so colorful. Our melamine is in the travel trailer because we like to eat on real plates even when camping. I love nice wine glasses even if they are plastic, mine have small flowers twined around the base. PRETTY! Civilization even in the wilderness.


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