Sunday, March 9

Another Gadget GIVEAWAY ~ WINNER!

Chris Lyles! (You can now flip hamburgers like a Food Network Star!)
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Thank you to all who participated!
Stay tuned, more wonderful goodies to come!
Another Gadget GIVEAWAY!
Is it just me or has this week flown by? I closed my eyes on Monday, and here it is Friday! Where did the other 3 days go? Time flies when life is full of fun...funny...and funnier!

To celebrate Friday, why not give away free stuff? I know, I'm doing the happy dance too!

Last night, "the fam" and I had mozzarella burgers with sautéed onions and mushrooms. I was inspired to give away two of the items I used to prepare our dinner deliciousness.

Cue drum roll......

Tada! Today's giveaway includes the most delightfully whimsical, glass cutting board from Core Kitchen. (You already know how I feel about their products.)

I like to use glass cutting boards when preparing raw meat or chopping onions. They are so easy to wash (and my wood board doesn't stink like onions for a week)!

I'm also giving away my favorite spatula of all time (thanks, Mom)! Squeal!

I use my angled turner (from the Giada Collection at Target...don't use your credit card...hehe) for everything! Cookies, toast, eggs, potatoes, burgers, and more! There's something about a good utensil that makes you feel like you're LIVE on the Food Network. Don't you agree?

Well, there you have it, today's bounty! To enter, comment below with your answer to this question..."What did you whip up for dinner last night?"

The winner will be selected at random on Sunday afternoon. Happy Friday!

(If you have questions about commenting, see my Comments on Commenting post.)

Here are a few more glass board designs from Core Kitchen. Affordable and fun, order one for you and a friend!

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