Friday, February 28

Introducing, the four-legged McEwens!

I've had a few requests to do a post featuring the four-legged McEwens. How could I say "no"? Just look at these faces!

We are a family of six. I write a lot about Super Hunk and Little Man but there are three more characters that fill my day with dirt and drool (besides Little Man).

Introducing..."Old Man"!

He's our 15-ish year old Border Collie (he's been 15 for a few years now, we're terrible at math). Super Hunk had him when we met...I confess, Old Man is one of the many reasons I love Super Hunk. Every family needs an old soul, the wise one that sits back and soaks it all in. People say Old Man has Super Hunk's personality, maybe that's why I adore him so.

There are times he has an extra pep in his step. Those are the days when we protect our shins because he's a maniac about a Frisbee. You've never witnessed Frisbee Doggie Cirque Du Soleil like this...he has mad skills.

Old Man is the leader...which, given his age and indifference towards the rules, is not always a good thing! But we are still crazy about him!

Presenting...."Dall" (we also refer to her as "Princess")!

Dall is a complicated K-9, some would refer to her as a "hot mess"! Super Hunk had Old Man when we met and I had Dall. I got her when she was 8 weeks old from an Australian Shepherd breeder. It wasn't long before I realized, her Mom had been naughty with the Milkman! Mixed mutt or not, she is a blend of "lay at your feet" and "spazoid". People say she has my personality, I'm not sure that's a compliment. :-)

Although she's grown to appreciate the thrill of a flying Frisbee, a tennis ball is her old trusty...again...and again...and again...and whoosh, I'm tired!

We attempted agility classes, assuming she'd burn off some of that ball energy. Running around crazy? No! She was more interested in visiting with other dogs.

 Let's face it, she'd rather be sitting in your lap, licking your face. Again, people say she's just like me (minus the lap and licking part).

One day, a little boy came along and threatened her position on the throne. As a good Princess does, she stayed confident in her position and rose to the occasion. She's now Mother Bear and Little Man's BFF! I think we'll keep her!

Last, but definitely not least...."Littles"!

Littles came a year after Super Hunk and I got married. We completed the family by having "his, mine & ours". She was found by a dear friend, cowering under a beer truck at a local gas station (we almost named her "Boozer"). The plan was to foster her until we located a perfect home, unbeknownst to us...she had already put down roots! Napping on Super Hunk's chest didn't help matters much!

We have no idea what breed she is (mini-something) but we don't care. She's quirky, loving and low-maintenance. All the things I look for in a companion! Besides her quirky personality (and the need to herd anything that moves), she's missing an upper K-9 tooth. The absence of said tooth occasionally causes a hair-lip and partial tongue exposure (as illustrated in the photos above). Again, we love her in spite of her quirks!

Once again, we tried agility classes. All these herding dogs with endless amounts of energy, what would you do? Littles was much better than Dall. As stated above, she has a freakish need to herd...agility was a good outlet for her!

She's also extremely camera shy!

At the end of the day, after all the running...herding...running...herding, she crashes. This is when I like her best...she's a pretty good snuggler!

There you have it, our four-legged kiddos in all their glory! Do me a favor, don't tell them they're dogs and not humans...I haven't had the heart to break it to them! :-)

(The identity of above referenced dogs have been protected and they are only referred to by nickname...we wouldn't actually name a dog "Littles".)

This post is dedicated to Wrigley.
Your family will always hold your place at the water bowl.


  1. I love them all three and you nailed each one in your descriptions. We love our dogs like they were kids. Great pics too

    1. Ms. Barbara, they are pretty crazy about you too!


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