Sunday, February 9

I want to...

I want to...
- vacuum without an assistant.
- eat a meal without chasing utensils or stepping on berries.
- eat the last piece of cake, without sharing.
- pee by myself.
- exit the car without a truckload of "must-haves".
- clean a window and have it stay that way (for more than 10.2 seconds).
- have one day where I don't say "what is that sticky substance on your pants?".
- walk 10 steps without stepping on an action figure.
- take a bubble bath without an audience.
- have a conversation and listen with both ears instead of just one.
- brush my teeth and not have a puddle of water on the floor.
- sleep, like I used to sleep when life was simpler.

But more importantly, I want my son to...
- experience all of life's adventures, no matter how small.
- know I will drop everything to race cars in the kitchen.
- know despite all of my responsibilities, being his (and his Dad's) #1 Cheerleader is my greatest joy.
- learn to spread his wings and fly, confident I will catch him when he falls.
- find the absolute best version of himself and become him, on purpose.
- remember, happiness is meant to be's one of his greatest gifts to give away.
- feel his role in this family is valued beyond measure.
- know his presence in my life makes all the "I want to's" seem insignificant!

At the end of every exhausting day, my forever prayer to this loving God who made me a Mom is this...

"I want to have a Mother's heart, who can hold him and let him go, all at the same time. May he always know, being his Mom has made my world so much bigger (and better)!"

Dedicated to Mommy hearts everywhere!

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